Follow the instructions below to install and play the EyeMap. Click hyperlink to download relevant products or documents.
- Prepare your installation environment:
- Install
AIR environment. Make sure you have installed the latest Adobe AIR 2 Runtime (>= ver 2.6);
- Install
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (>=build 1.6.0);
- If you have already installed them, skip this step;
- Install
- Install EyeMap:
- Download the latest
- Double click EyeMap.air to install it. (If double click does not start installation, open the air package from Adobe AIR Application Installer);
- Download the latest
- Describe your data source:
- Create your own “config.xml” (click here for more details on how to create the config.xml) and put them with your EDF file in the same folder. (config.xml is became optional since EyeMap version 0.4b_r1)
- Create “text.html” (click here for more details on how to create the text.html) based on your experimentation material;
- Convert collected eye movement data to EyeMap XML data format:
- For EyeLink User, convert your EDF data file using our scripts in installation folder. (under bin\EDF2XML) (click here for more details on how to convert EyeLink EDF data file);
- Tobii User, export your data into TSV file, then convert it into your XML format using our scripts in installation folder (under bin\TSV2XML) (click here for more details on how to convert Tobii project);
- Open converted XML inside EyeMap.
Data Edit and Analysis
- Select "File -> open experiment" to open the converted XML file in EyeMap (make sure the XML data file and “text.html” file are placed in the same folder);
- Select "Edit -> Ex/In-clude Trial(+/-)" or press “Del” key in the Trial List View to mark invalid trials. (invalid trials will be skipped during export);
- Press
(Edit) button on the top right corner to move or align fixations in Fixation View. (related saccade all be automatically changed);
- Select eyes by pressing the
(right eye) and/or
(left eye) button on the menu bar to hide or show the corresponding eye. (the hidden eye will not be exported);
- Select “Analysis -> Export with header”. If you want output a header row in the exported csv file;
- Click "Variables" tab to select fixation or word
variables which you are interested. Selected variables will
be calculated automatically when you click related objects
(fixations/words) in other viewers. Press
(save button) on the top right to save the export XML files (export.xml/wexport.xml).
- Select “Analysis -> Export Fixation/Word Report” to export all the variables for the selected eye based on the setup in previous created “export.xml”(for fixation report) or "wexport.xml"(for word report). (make sure XML file and export xml files are placed in the same folder).
- You can use “C:\Program Files\EyeMap\bin\merge_fmx.cmd/merge_wmx.cmd” to merge several exported fixation/word csv reports which do not contain a header row.
Uninstall or Upgrade
- To uninstall or Upgrade EyeMap, double click EyeMap install package or open the install package from Adobe AIR Application Installer, and select uninstall or replace options.